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Overview of Language Constructs

This section gives a brief overview of the core of Caesar features.

Caesar Classes

Caesar classes are defined using the cclass keyword in order to separate them from plain Java class. Inheritance hierarchies of Caesar classes and Java classes are strictly separated in Caesar. A cclass may not inherit from a Java class and vice versa. However, object composition is allowed and interface implementation.
public interface AJavaInterface {

public class APlainJavaClass {
    ACaesarClass aRefToACaesarClass;

public cclass ACaesarClass implements AJavaInterface {
    APlainJavaClass aRefToAPlainJavaClass;
    java.util.Vector aRefToAnotherPlainJavaClass;


Collaborations are used to group a set of collaborating classes. Each cclass containing at least one inner cclass is considered as a collaboration.
// collaboration Graph
public cclass Graph {
     * nested cclass-es
    public cclass Edge {...}
    public cclass UEdge extends Edge {...}
    public cclass Node {...}

Virtual Classes

All inner classes within a cclass are considered as virtual classes, because they are handles in a similar way as virtual methods. Differently from plain Java inner classes, Virtual classes can be redefined in any subclass of the enclosing class.

public cclass Graph {
    public cclass Edge {
        Node start, end;
    public cclass UEdge extends Edge {...}
    public cclass Node {...}

public cclass WeightedGraph extends Graph {
    public cclass Edge {
        float cost;
    public cclass Node {
        float cost;

In the example above we redefine in WeightedGraph the classes Edge and Node in order to add the cost attribute. Virtual classes allow us to incrementally refine a set of collaborating classes.

The interesting point here is that the references to virtual classes are always bound to the most specific redefinition known in the context of the enclosing object. Hence, the super-class of WeightedGraph.UEdge is bound to WeightedGraph.Edge. Moreover, accessing the variables start and end in the context of WeightedGraph allows us to use the newly introduced properties of WeightedGraph.Node, although the declaration was made in Graph.Edge itself.

Composition Mechanism

Two or more Caesar classes can be composed using the &-operator.
public cclass ColoredGraph extends Graph {
    public cclass Node {
        Color color;

public cclass ColoredWeightedGraph extends ColorGraph & WeightedGraph {

In the example above, we use the &-operator to compose a new collaboration having the properties from ColorGraph and WeightedGraph.

The interesting point here is that the composition mechanism is propagated into the inner classes. All compatible members from both collaborations are also composed together, e.g., after the composition ColoredWeightedGraph.Node will have the cost and the color property.

Pointcuts & Advices

CaesarJ is a superset of AspectJ. This means it adopts the join point interception (JPI) model introduced in AspectJ as the basic corner stone for modularizing the crosscutting concerns.

Each cclass declaration can contain pointcuts and advices, e.g.:
public cclass AnAspect {
    public pointcut APointcut() : .... ;
    public around() : APointcut() {
        // code to insert

If you are new to AspectJ please read the AspectJ Programming Guide first.

Aspect Deployment

In addition to the compile-time activation of an aspect, in Caesar an aspect can be instantiated and activated at run-time. Caesar introduces a deploy statement, which is used to define the activation scope of an aspect, e.g.:
AnAspect a = new AnAspect();
// a not activated here
deploy( a ) {
    // a is activated now
// a is deactivated again

The aspectj-like compile-time deployment of aspects is activated using the deployed cclass modifier.
public deployed cclass AnAtCompileTimeActivatedAspect {
   // ...pointcuts...
   // ...advices...

Wrapper Mechanism

Caesar introduces the language constructs for wrapper classes and automated wrapper recycling.
public class X {
    // state
    public int x1;

    // methods
    public int m1() {...}

public cclass ACollaboration {
    public cclass XWrapper wraps X {
        // additional state
        int x2;

        // additional methods
        public int m2() {
            return wrappee.m1() + x2;

    public void doSomethingWith(ApplicationModel.X x) {
        XWrapper(x).m2(); // wrapping x

In the example above, The class XWrapper wraps a plain Java class X. When a wrapper is created, it is bound to the specified wrappee object. It exists until the wrappee object is collected by the JVM garbage collector. In order to simplify the management of wrappers, Caesar provides a wrapper recycling method for each wrapper class (see XWrapper(x).m2() call), which has the following funtionality:
  • create new wrapper if no wrapper exists for the wrappee object
  • reuse existing wrapper if one has been already associated with the wrappee object.

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