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Installing CaesarJ v0.9.0 binary release

Important! This version was tested on Eclipse 3.4. For other versions of Eclipse, please use older versions of the plugin, as specified in Download.

Installation from Eclipse Update Site

  • Download and install Eclipse 3.4

  • Start Eclipse, and from the Help menu choose "Software Updates...".

  • Switch to "Available Software" tab.

  • Click on "Add Site...".

  • In the dialog that appears enter http://caesarj.org/updatesite/0.9.0/.

  • Mark the checkbox before the new entry in the list with the name

  • Click on "Install..."

  • In the dialog that appears click on "Finish".

Installation by Hand

If update site doesn't work for you, the plugins can be installed by hand.

  1. Open in your browser http://caesarj.org/updatesite/0.9.0/

  2. Download the files
    • features/org.caesarj.feature_0.9.0.jar
    • plugins/org.caesarj_0.9.0.jar

  3. Go to your Eclipse directory.

  4. Copy org.caesarj.feature_0.9.0.jar to the folder features of your Eclipse instance.

  5. Copy org.caesarj_0.9.0.jar to the folder plugins of your Eclipse instance.

After Installation

After installing the Caesar plug-in, please
  • make the Caesar editor your default editor for the .java file extension (under Window->Preferences->CaesarJ)
  • disable "Analyze annotations while typing"
(under Window->Preferences->CaesarJ)

A dialog with these preferences will be displayed automatically, when you switch to CaesarJ Perspective first time.

For larger projects it is recommended to switch off automated build (under Preferences->Workbench) and build manually using Ctrl+B shortcut. For better performance start Eclipse with more memory.

Try our examples to test your installation.